Friday, 31 March 2017

Rap Magazine contents page

This is my rap magazine contents page displaying all of what you'd find inside my magazine, this however is a draft and will be slightly altered to add a subsidiary image and possibly movement of text/text boxes.

Rap Magazine cover

I made a few small changes to my final draft which was to add more sell lines to my cover so there is a smaller amount of dead space so the magazine looks more professional, I also made small text movements.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Rap Magazine cover

This is my final draft of my magazine cover, it has been altered accordingly to make it look more professional including a crown graphic to clear up dead space, changed font sizes, location and colours to make my writing stand out more and I also changed  my masthead. The writing was simplified to have a black outline as a coloured outline looked too dull, the black outline creates a clearer display of the writing. My masthead was simplified as I believe the previous masthead was too over-complicated so it catchers the consumers eye more. I also added a grey "glow" background to make the cover look less  basic. Finally I got rid of the page numbers from my sell line, therefore making it more professional.